In the past 5 years drone technology has advanced massively. This allows users to fly drones with more confidence. It has also meant that drones are more visible in the sky.

This means that the general public sees drones more often than perhaps they did five or years ago.

We may not have all the answers to your questions, so including links in our link library and at the bottom of this page should help you find the correct information.

Here at KEYphotography, we understand that some people have privacy concerns when drones take photographs from the air. Whilst this may have been a legitimate concern in the past, new regulations released at the end of 2021 gave more precise guidance on how drones can be used in the public domain. We try to take that guidance a step further and strive for professionalism when using drones.

As far as is reasonable, we try to stick to the bullet points below with regards to our own personal images and video footage.

  • Footage taken with our drone is always done following the drone code available from the link below.
  • In addition, footage and images taken using our drone are reviewed to ensure their compliance before being made available on social media or on our website.
  • Areas which may be considered sensitive such as schools, playgrounds and places where children may play, will never provide footage where individuals can be identified.
  • Other areas which are considered sensitive within the drone code are also protected.
  • Where the CAA requires additional permissions, this permission is requested long before the flight is booked.
  • In compliance with the drone code, our flights are logged with Altitude Angel, and we always provide an accurate description of the reason for our flight.

Frequently asked questions

  • Do you have to have a license to use your drone?
    • Yes, to fly any drone capable of taking images, you should be licensed as a pilot and have an operator ID for the drone. We always provide these when asked, which can be confirmed from the CAA website.
  • Can you use your drone to spy on private residences or look through windows?
    • No, This is covered clearly in the drone code. We would never take images intentionally showing the inside of people’s properties or through windows.
  • Can you take images or videos while I’m walking in the street or park?
    • The simple answer to this question is yes. This is because the same guidance applies to taking images using a phone camera or professional camera in a public place. There is no expected right to privacy while you are in public. However, many of our images are taken from such a distance that identification of individuals is rarely possible.
  • Can you fly over people?
    • This is a much more difficult question to answer as many elements affect flying over people or crowds. All the information can be found in the drone code. However, flight over, around and near members of the public is assessed based on the risk of drone poses. Lighter drones have fewer restrictions, and the crowd size also has to be considered. Therefore, seeing a drone over, around, or near people does not automatically mean the pilot is breaking the law.
  • Can you fly over private land?
    • This is another difficult question to answer with a simple response. This is because several factors may increase the risk of the flight, but they do not directly relate to the land being private. We want to make sure that landowners are aware that drone flights over private land are allowed, but where possible, we will try to gain permission before a flight. Landowners can prevent drone operators from taking off from private land. However, they cannot prevent flights by drones over their land.

Above, we have covered the most commonly asked questions which we received while flying our drone in the past year. However, no doubt there will be more questions which rightfully deserve answers, and as these are asked, we will add them to this page. Come back regularly to see updates to our frequently asked questions.

We use our drone to provide images which could never be captured by conventional means; we intend always to follow the drone code and fly safely. With this in mind, if you see us or any drone pilot out flying, to keep us and you safe, please remember to wait until we have completed our drone flight before asking questions.

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