Capturing Life From Every Angle.

Technology has made it possible for almost everyone to have a camera in their pocket capable of amazing images every single day of their lives, but capturing things from a different perspective is the key to fantastic photography.

However, the question is, how do you find that special perspective in a photo which no one has captured before?

Thinking outside the rules of what is normally expected of photography is a good place to start. The first thing we all do when having our picture taken is to smile. The problem is that we all know that this kind of smile is forced. Capturing the essence of someone’s personality is sometimes best done when they are at their most relaxed. They may be aware you are there, but they may not realise you are capturing them.

Another way to capture images that others may not see is through the use of advances in photography including the use of drones. Many people feel that the technology could be misused but I am sure you will agree, that if used properly and professionally, the images that can be captured with a drone are truly stunning.

Below, you will find a gallery of some of Simon’s favourite pictures taken from a mixture of standard DSLR equipment and drone technology. We hope you agree that Simon Captures a perspective rarely seen in everyday photography.

Consider This…

Images captured today are stored in “the Cloud”, but how often do you go back and look at your images? Maybe it’s time to get some photos taken which you will want to look at again and again!

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